System MonCon

System Monitor and Control

Monitor the system, and control it with ease.

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Tool for the system

Under continues development for modern Android™

Find in Monitor

☞ Battery temperature indicator
☞ Screen time indicator
☞ Wify data usage
☞ Mobile data usage
☞ Uptime information
☞ Memory info
☞ Storage info

Find in Controls

☞ Quick gestures to various custom and system actions.
☞ Single tap, double tap, long press.
☞ Swipe left, swipe right, swipe up, swipe down.
☞ Apps and there privided shortcuts also accessable.
☞ Placement options for screen layouts.
☞ Minimazable to edges with tap to restore.

Find in Wallpaper

☞ Select custom wallpaper directory.
☞ Choose change time i.e. every hour or every day.

Find in Battery

☞ Start speaking at battery level.
☞ Select custom alarm sound file.
☞ Low charging speech indicator level.
☞ Take volume level from alarm, notification or media.